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Bath Remodel/Finishes

Finished Baths- M.Pires Construction can help our clients with every detail needed. Tile selection, Vanity design,Trim detail, fixtures, etc. 

3 Keys to a Bath Remodel


The first step in any bathroom remodeling process is planning – lots and lots of planning. Given the current times we suggest having entire inventory of items being used on the project delivered and on site before construction starts.  The last thing you want is to be waiting on tile or a fixture to finish the project.  


Most people underestimate the cost of a complete bathroom renovation. Depending on the materials you use and how many items you replace, you could spend thousands of dollars remodeling even the smallest bathroom.  Be realistic with your budget but allow M.Pires to help you with your choices.  We extend any discounts we can get to our clients 


You may not select the exact materials you’ll use at this time. Some design decisions are best left until after things come together. Nevertheless, you should get a feel for color schemes and finish products to allow us to quote accordingly.